Viru str Tallinn
I just came back from Japan and therefore street style has become very important to me, but I think I like local street style here better than in Japan. At first everything seemed so cool and original in Japan, but soon I understood that being alternative or quirky is just another trend. In Estonia people stay true to their style and therefore but more personality into their clothes

EKA, Tallinn
You need to find a balance between stylish and original and quirky. Very often people end up being just tacky. I make most of my clothes and I get ideas from my friends. I like Estonian fashion and mainly read local magazines.

Tammsaare’s Park, Tallinn
Most of my clothes come from England. When I am in Tallinn, I prefer Vero Moda or Seppäla. I absolutely hate neon colours and usually wear darker and brown shades, but in summer I also try brighter colours such as blue and yellow. My idol is Angelina Jolie.
Kati lisaks omalt poolt, et Jaapani tänavaid pean ma siiski inspireerivamaiks. Väljendasin end ilmselt natuke ebaselgelt. Vabandan.
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