Pikk Str, Tallinn
My current most desired item is a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses, but I haven’t found it yet. I really like bright pink and purple clothes and I always wear scarves. I like them in different colours and prints. I usually shop when I’m abroad; I think only this bag is from Estonia, other clothes are from Lithuania and Germany. I like people who wear what they want; even if it isn’t something I would wear.

Rotermann Quarter, Tallinn
My style is very chill yet crazy. Dreams are a great source for ideas – I see myself in outfits that work and I want to try them in real life too. I like to shop in Jack&Jones, NewYorker and other similar shops. It is so annoying how critical people are here, especially when it comes to someone else’s style.

A.Laikmaa Str, Tallinn
My style depends on my mood and where I’m going. Clothes have to make me feel good. Today I went to work and wanted to wear comfortable clothes. I try to minimize the amount of clothes I have and most of them come from second-hands or are hand-me-downs from friends like this sweater.

A.Laikmaa Str, Tallinn
This t-shirt has images of Rubik’s Cubes because I’m really into them at the moment. I think my style is changing and maturing when I change and mature, this is something unintentional that you really can’t avoid. However, I think I always put some personality into my clothes and I try not to lose that ‘something’ that defines my personal style. My favourite shop is Urban Outfitters.

A.Laikmaa Str, Tallinn
When I look through different magazines or street style blogs, I try to not copy things I saw there. I will gather all these ideas and different looks that where there and create a new outfit that will work on me. I really like oversized clothes, these have been a wardrobe must for a while. Oversized clothes work really well every season.

Vanaturu Kael, Tallinn
I don’t like to buy new things so I tend to wear all my clothes till they are worn out. If something feels bit dated, I’ll just print something on it and it is as good as new. I’m a textile artist so I have the screen printing equipment. This bag is one example of prints I like. When it comes to colours, my preferences change, but I have always loved all kinds of reds.
Thanks for the pics.
I like how Sara tied her t-shirt
Great blog you have!
I was wondering, have you ever done a post with tips for shopping in Tallinn? And if you haven't, could you recommend a website which would have such content? I'm coming to Tallinn next month, and I'm desperate since Lai10 has quit. Or has it just moved to somewhere else?
first and last picture are amazing!!!!
Love love love the picture with the dog, fantastic shot!
These boys are amazing! I really love your blog. Photos are gorgeous!
annest lugesin su blogi kohta. tore, et ka eestis selliseid tehakse. mu lemmik on helsinki oma. aga sul on kuidagi kahvatud pildid, ütle oma fotograafile, las vaatab üle. ootan sind end kinni peatama :D
tahtsin veel lisada, et sul on väga hea kujunduselement see, et detailide pilid on veel eraldi - huvipakkuvamaid asjakesi saab lähemalt vaadata. (y)
Kui vahva, et Sind üles leidsin - lugesin ka Annest.
Ikkagi huvitav!
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