Uus Str, Tallinn
I sometimes make my own clothes, but not too often, because it takes a lot of time. When I see a great fabric, I get inspired. I saw this floral print and had to make these trousers. I like different Japanese subcultures, because people there are so brave and interesting. I think people should wear brighter colours, because it affects our mood. People in black tend to look more miserable.

Nunne Str, Tallinn
This autumn I’m into more masculine clothes. I very rarely buy new clothes, I usually get them from second-hands or from my mother’s closet. She had a great style, so there is always something to snatch. I’m actually from Tartu and I really like how people dress there. As it is a university town, people care less about looking polished and are way more creative.

Tammsaare’s Park, Tallinn
My style is everchanging and usually I’m open to everything, but I really don’t like when people wear only black and go too ‘emo’. These looks are too severe for my taste. I think colourful clothes are more beautiful. I usually don’t read fashion magazines. Instead, I go to shops and see what is there and what I like.

Tammsaare’s Park, Tallinn
This autumn I’m into ethnic pieces- by this I mean combining some ethnic details as fringes with otherwise minimalist looks. I don’t want to go too overboard with it. I also dig old-school stuff and I usually shop at second-hands. I get ideas from these shops, but I also read street-style blogs. People should experiment more with their clothes, because there are too many sneakers - jeans - t-shirt outfits.

Tammsaare’s Park, Tallinn
I love all colours equally. My style is all about throwing together some looks I’m feeling at the moment. I like the randomness of my style. My mother is into art and I love it too, also I go to an art school. I think the bohemian vibe inspires me the most and makes me want to experiment with my looks.
Tammsaare’s Park, Tallinn
I simply love colourful clothes! My current favourite colour is a shade of purple, but unfortunately I’m not wearing it today, so I cannot show you. In summer I wore a lot of dresses, but as autumn is coming, I have started to wear more trousers or shorts with tights. I can’t point out my favourite shop, because there are so many places I shop, but I always try to avoid high street shops.

Tammsaare’s Park, Tallinn
My personal style changes quite often. Lately it has become more sophisticated. I used to wear quite a lot sneakers and laid-back clothes, but now I want something polished. If I see something I really like, I always try to get it. For example, I bought this leather jacket from a friend of mine.

Iida at Suur-Karja str, Tallinn
I work as a textile designer, but recently I have started to focus more on fashion design also. There are very many talented textile designers in Estonia, but most of them end up doing very commercial stuff. I would be great if there would be a company like Marimekko, who celebrates young talents. My personal style is quite simple. I like good natural fabrics that flow beautifully.

Iida at Suur-Karja str, Tallinn
Today I’m wearing my own designs by label Iida. This year I’m fascinated with Haapsalu’s lace. Just like artists tend to be less-appreciated in their own country, people here have forgotten about local art and one example is Haapsalu’s lace. This dress is one example of this technique.

Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
I’m a second-year fashion student at Estonian Academy of Arts. My style depends on my mood and therefore I look different every day. In future I hope to be successful designer in Estonia, but I’d also love to make it internationally. My favourite city fashion-wise is not Paris or New York but Barcelona.